The premier application for
Fraternity and Sorority Chapters!
Celebrating Greek Life across America!
Take your Chapter
to the next level
with MyChapter!
MyChapter provides great services for Fraternities and Sororities on university campuses. Developed by fellow greeks, the app provides custom features to help increase engagement between undergraduates, alumni, potential new members (PNMs), and your greater college community.
Fraternities &
Alumni &
New Members
Messaging Feeds
Inspire higher engagement among undergraduates and alumni with Messaging Feeds. Interesting Feeds can easily be created by Chapter Admins or Members for reply and comment by participants. Below are just a few examples of Chapter and Member Feeds in a few categories. The range of topics is limited only by your creative imagination.
Event Feeds
Create Feeds to promote alumni or undergrad events. Provide details, inspire attendance or just share interesting recap from previous events. Event Feeds are a nice way to RSVP which encourages old friends to gather and share stories from their tenure as an undergraduate.
Career Feeds
Career related Feeds can connect experienced alumni with aspiring undergraduates on a range of job related topics. Advice on resumes, interviews, phone screens and availability can all be shared using Career Feeds. They can also be used for a range of general topics.
Member Feeds
A great way to share colorful chapter stories, notorious icons, outrageous events or even facts & figures is through Member Feeds. Members can create their own Feeds and even create custom categories for groups of common topics. Expect high engagement!
Chapter News Feeds
Chapter News is an excellent way to keep members informed about events, accomplishments, operations or everyday advice or inspiration. Topics might include food service updates or alumni impromptu visits or even election results or recruitment developments.
Explore MyChapter's Other Features
Explore some of MyChapter's features with these quick, preview videos. See below for screenshots and much more information and details.
Membership & Profile
All application features are designed to make undergrad members, alumni members and PNMs more functional, better informed and more engaged with the chapter. This all begins with creating a MyChapter account, joining a chapter and establishing a profile.
SignUp or Login
to MyChapter
Chapter undergraduate members, alumni members or potential new members (PNMs) can create a MyChapter account using an email, password and class year. Existing account holders can login with their email and password.
Identify University,
National and Chapter
Once new members login, they can select their university, national and local chapter. After the chapter admin confirms they are part of the organization, new members can fully engage with their fellow chapter members.
Set Profile Picture
and Basic Information
Once signed up, new users can add personality to their account by setting their profile picture, nickname, contact info, home address, major field of study or profession and also a description of themselves for the planet to see.
Social Media Links,
Clubs and Interests
Users can also list their social media accounts for additional references. Perhaps most importantly, they can list their clubs and interests, which MyChapter can use to show connections between members, as well as shared interests between members and PNMs.
Potential New Members can Browse
Once PNMs login and identify their university, they can see what chapters are using MyChapter on their campus. From here, they can learn more about each organization, and see which are currently involved in a recruitment cycle.
All chapter members and PNMs are encouraged to add their home address to their profile. This enables MyChapter to show a map with informative markers showing everyone's location.
Map Member & PNM Home Addresses
MyChapter shows a map with informative markers placed at select undergraduate, alumni and PNM hometowns. It's a great way to see where fellow members are located. The map is especially helpful when traveling to see if members are nearby for dinner, drinks, the ballgame or other engagements.
Informative Map Markers
Map markers are placed at member home addresses. They include member names and class years. Selecting any marker will center the map at that location. An informative popup is displayed with member profile information, e.g. profile picture, nicknames, clubs & interests, contact info and more.
SearchBox to Find Fellow Members
The MyChapter map provides a SearchBox to find specific fellow members by name. Typing in a few characters will search for matching member names for which a marker has been created. A drop down menu will show matching member names so the one of interest can be selected and the map centered.
Filter on Member Class Years
The MyChapter map provides a useful filter button. Specifying a class year will show only those members in that class year. It is also possible to specify a range of class years, to show only the matching members, e.g. 2001-2010. The filter also accepts both individual class years and class year ranges.
Recruiting is the lifeblood of any Fraternity or Sorority chapter. Without new members, they would quickly cease to exist. MyChapter provides features to make Recruitment easier, faster and more meaningful. Find the best matches for your chapter using MyChapter!
Fraternity Recruiting Process
MyChapter provides direct support for Fraternity recruiting and will soon assist with Sorority recruiting as well. Most all Fraternity chapters have similar processes for attracting potential new members, making new friends and extending bids to join. MyChapter can help at each step in the process.
Potential New Member Engagement
Oftentimes, PNMs will arrive on campus curious about greek life and if it's for them. MyChapter provides PNMs with the ability to browse chapters and identify members with similar interests. Likewise, chapters can see which members might be best suited to open a conversation with PNMs with similar interests.
Interactions between Members & PNMs
Compatibility is based on interactions between members and PNMs. MyChapter makes it easy to track all interactions. Members quickly describe the nature of their interaction and rate their experience with PNMs. Interaction analytics provides great information for members when voting on candidates.
Recruitment Stages
Recruitment is really about making new friends and inviting them to join the chapter. MyChapter has identified the individual stages in the process. PNMs advance through the stages as the chapter gets to know and like them. All chapter members can see each PNM's progress through recruitment.
Voting in Fraternity or Sorority chapters can often be a challenging time consuming process. Go digital with MyChapter to speedup voting and get more meaningful results. Stop wasting time on recruitment/election meetings that stretch into the early morning and start voting with MyChapter!
Digital Voting
Oftentimes, it takes hours to elect new officers, choose new members or vote on chapter decisions. MyChapter offers a range of options to customize each vote session to meet chapter requirements. Voting with MyChapter speeds up the process and quickly provides results and meaningful analytics.
Election of Officers and Nominations
The election process can vary by chapter. MyChapter provides a rich set of options to suit most any process. Vote sessions can be setup to require nominations, set election thresholds, track testimonials, provide analytics and so much more. Dramatically reduce the time it takes to elect new officers with MyChapter.
Recruitment Voting
on new Members
Voting on new members can often take hours and hours! Digital voting using MyChapter can dramatically speed up the process. Chapters can quickly assess familiarity and suitability of PNMs using custom vote session options. Some votes can actually be cast in advance to avoid voting altogether.
Opinion Polls
Opinion Polls can be done quickly by chapter admins or any individual chapter member. A quick poll of the members about chapter legislation might enable a more informed discussion and better decision. Also, members can quickly poll the group to see which venue is best for an event or even dinner.
ScoreBoards can be a great way to track results, inspire achievement or just keep score among friends.
Using MyChapter, chapter admins can setup official ScoreBoards for the entire organization. Individual members can independently setup personal ScoreBoards among friends for just about anything. It can be a fun way to engage with your fellow members.
Chapter ScoreBoards
Chapter ScoreBoards can be setup by admins to track performance in a wide variety of activities. Examples include Academics, Meeting Attendance, Community Service Hours, Alumni Donations, House Duties, Alumni Engagement...
Chapters can do ScoreBoards for activities of interest.
Personal ScoreBoards
Personal ScoreBoards can be setup by individual chapter members for most any activity. It can be a fun way to keep score among friends. Examples include Miles Run, Best Sister/Brother Deed, Money Raised, Fantasy Foosball, Pounds Lost, Class Clown... possibilities are endless!
ScoreBoard Setup
Choose a compelling name to inspire participation in your ScoreBoard. Then choose the "rules" for the ScoreBoard. Each rule defines an action and points awarded. For example, "Attend a Meeting" and get 20 points. Setup rules and go! Admins record participant actions and points are awarded pronto.
Chapter Members
Fraternity or Sorority membership is for life. However, the first 5% of time as a member on campus is by far the most active. Members live, study and socialize closely together. MyChapter's goal is to improve operations, services and entertainment through custom technology and tailored features. Many of the features now available, or on the wish list, were first inspired by undergraduates. New feature suggestions by our undergraduate members are always welcome! The goal is to make MyChapter more useful and more valuable to Fraternities and Sororities to make greek life better each and every day!
Chapter Members
The vast majority of time as a chapter member is after graduation. As an alumnus/alumnae, life gets more complicated with marriage, children, mortgages, relocation, career employment and so much more. There is not much time leftover to stay as close to your fellow brothers and sisters. MyChapter is designed to capitalize on the time members do have to stay as engaged as possible with lifelong friendships from their tenure on campus. Alumni can also stay more engaged with their broader family of chapter members.
All MyChapter features are open to alumni where possible. They can participate in Opinion Polls, create ScoreBoards, discover contact info for long lost fellow members, submit testimonials for elections or recruitment and so much more. The messaging feature will soon be available to enable direct connections between all members and classes. In addition, there are many more features on the wish list specifically for alumni. Our suggestion box is wide open for more great ideas to make MyChapter better every day!
Potential New
Chapter Members
Potential New Members (PNMs) play a significant role in the success of the greek system. As such, the MyChapter app provides features specific to the needs of PNMs. To learn more about greek life and participating chapters on campus, they can start by getting a MyChapter account.
Using the MyChapter app, PNMs can browse for chapters and members with whom they have the most in common. For example, they can look for chapters that have the most members who play golf, or check to see which chapter has the most Chemistry majors. These connections can help to initiate conversations and build new lifelong friendships. MyChapter can help develop a stronger affinity for the chapter and enable more long-lasting relationships to the organization.
Built for Chapter Members
by Chapter Members
The team developing MyChapter are all members of Fraternity or Sorority chapters. They come from all walks of greek life. They bring with them years of experience at their respective chapters and apply their keen insight to designing and developing features and services for the MyChapter app. Our vision for the app includes many more valuable features. We look forward to working with our fellow Greeks to continue to make MyChapter better every day!